John Bardeen

John Bardeen
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1908-05-23 (Madison)
Decesso 1991-01-30 (Boston)
Causa de decesso infarcto cardiac
Loco de reposo Forest Hill Cemetery
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Princeton University, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison Central High School, University of Wisconsin High School
Occupation physico, inventor, professor universitari, electrical engineer
Conjuge Jane Maxwell
Infantes James M. Bardeen, William A. Bardeen
Parentes patre Charles Russell Bardeen
Premios Premio Nobel pro Physica, Premio Nobel pro Physica, Stuart Ballantine Medal, Harold Pender Award, Lomonosov Gold Medal, Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize, IEEE Medal of Honor, Fritz London Award, National Medal of Science, National Inventors Hall of Fame, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Franklin Medal, Fellow of the American Physical Society, Foreign Member of the Royal Society, James Madison Medal
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000066592249
VIAF 91244949
Commons John Bardeen

John Bardeen (23 de maio 1908 in Madison, Wisconsin - 23 de januario 1991 in Boston, Massachusetts) era un ingeniero e physico, e un del personas qui ha ganiate le Premio Nobel duo veces.

Bardeen ha recipite le Premio Nobel pro Physica in 1956 pro le invention del transistor e in 1972 pro le theoria de superconductivitate. Ille es un del quatro personas qui ha ganiate le Premio Nobel duo veces (le alteres son Marie Curie, Linus Pauling, e Frederick Sanger) e le sol persona qui ha ganiate duo veces le Premio Nobel pro Physica.

