Geassocieerde Pers Diensten

In this article, we are going to analyze in depth Geassocieerde Pers Diensten and its impact on today's society. Geassocieerde Pers Diensten is a topic that has sparked great interest and debate in recent years, and is of vital importance to understand different aspects of our daily lives. Throughout this article, we will explore the various facets of Geassocieerde Pers Diensten and examine how it has evolved over time. In addition, we will analyze its implications in different areas, from culture to politics, technology and the economy. With a critical and objective approach, we will try to shed light on Geassocieerde Pers Diensten and its impact on modern society.

The Geassocieerde Pers Diensten (GPD) was a Netherlands based news agency.

The predecessor of the GPD, the Gemeenschappelijke Persdienst was formed in 1936 when the directors of several regional newspapers collaborated and formed their own news agency. In this way they thought they would be able to compete with the national media. The GPD was formed in 1994 from a merger of the Stichting Pers Unie with the Gemeenschappelijke Persdienst.

The GPD ceased to operate on 1 January 2013 when it lost its contract to supply news with the Wegener media company, a producer of mainly regional newspapers.


  1. ^ "Archive Stichting Pers Unie" (in Dutch). International Institute of Social History. 1994. Retrieved 2011-04-22.
  2. ^ (in Dutch)Einde van de GPD Archived 2013-04-08 at the Wayback Machine on Radio 1, 30 December 2012

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