Buddhism in Uzbekistan

In this article we are going to explore Buddhism in Uzbekistan, a topic that has captured the interest of many people in recent years. Buddhism in Uzbekistan is a fascinating topic that has generated a great debate in different areas, from science to popular culture. Throughout this article, we will examine different aspects related to Buddhism in Uzbekistan, from its history and evolution, to its impact on today's society. In addition, we will analyze different perspectives and opinions on Buddhism in Uzbekistan, with the aim of providing a complete and objective view on this topic. Without a doubt, Buddhism in Uzbekistan is a fascinating topic that leaves no one indifferent, and we are sure that this article will be of great interest to all types of readers.

Buddhist temple in Tashkent

Buddhism is practiced by about 0.2% of the population of Uzbekistan, according to the US State Department's International Religious Freedom Report 2004. Most are ethnic Koreans. Officially only one Buddhist denomination is registered in Uzbekistan, also there is a Buddhist temple in Tashkent.

Since 1991, the temple is called “Jaeunsa” (“Compassion”), belonged to the Korea Buddhist Jogye Order. The temple is located on the outskirts of Tashkent and is the only functioning Buddhist temple in Uzbekistan.


Termez Fayaz Tepe Complex 1st-3rd cent CE Buddha with Monks 2nd cent CE

In the time of the rulers of the Kushan Empire, Buddhism in large scale penetrated into Bactria and Gandhara. According to a legend written in Pali two merchants from Bactria, Trapusa and Bahalika, hit the road to meet with the Buddha and became his disciples. Later, they returned to Bactria and built temples in honor of the Buddha.

The popularity of Buddhism has been linked to his understanding as an ideology of the urban population. Kanishka the Great confirmed the significantly simplified "way of salvation" of Mahayana Buddhism, which contributed to its mass popularity.

Fayaz Tepe, Standing Buddha

After the invasion of the White Huns, as well as during the Islamic invasion like Muslim conquest of Transoxiana, Buddhism ceased to be a widespread and popular religion in the territory of Uzbekistan. By the 13th century it disappeared almost completely as a result of the persecution of Buddhists during the reign of Khorezm.

See also


  1. ^ "Summary of Religious Bodies in Uzbekistan". Archived from the original on 2012-09-05. Retrieved 2015-04-29.
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